Saturday, October 4, 2008


Now you know that I decided to be a dork and not go to homecoming this year.

I remember when Victoria posted last year and announced her date: Campell, Reece. Biology, 7th edition.

I guess I stole him from her. Sorry, Victoria.
But, unlike you, I have more than one date for homecoming night. Because on top of my bio book is my US history book. and on top of that is my math book, and on top of that is nathaniel hawthorne's beauty (at least it was until i over analyzed it), the scarlet letter.

A bunch of my friends won't be sleeping tonight. They'll be up partying with a sugar high and goodness knows what other types of highs. I won't be sleeping either. I guess it'll be because I have what you might call a homework high. But I highly doubt it'll be as much fun.

At least the hangovers will be equally as disastrous.