Saturday, September 26, 2009


People mean a lot to me. No, let me narrow that down. Individuals. When I meet someone I like, when I meet someone I admire, when I meet people I instantly connect with--those people mean a lot to me. They make me happy. I instantly fall in love with them, I want to tell them everything about myself, I want to find all the reasons why they are so much like me and why we can talk on and on even though I just met them 5 minutes ago. And I don’t really know why.
I measure people up when I meet them and I decide how I should act (crazy or conservative? both are parts of me), and when I can be myself (both wild and calm, and everything in between) I’m pretty sure you can catch me glowing. Radioactively glowing.
I am so excited to know people and to meet them all the time, and when it happens and I meet someone and I’m excited to see them again, that is when my life is perfect.

I’m pretty sure this post sounds lame and I’m sorry for the limited words and vocabulary I’m using, but I prefer to capture the moment in all its beauty and perfection.