Tuesday, November 6, 2007

Dear Reader of this letter...

I've been sitting here for 10 min. already. Thinking of what to write... And i still have no idea.
So I'll just go with "default" and paste a very interesting homework assignment my Spanish teacher Mr. Yarnton gave my class to do. And get this. The assignment is written in English.
I guess Mr. Yarnton is the guy that sets up "every 15 min." at our school. We were all agreeing with him when he said that we never really get to say "goodbye" to someone before they die, and so he said... for homework, i want you to write a goodbye note. What you would say to your family and friends, how you're not ever going to see them again, and all the things you wish you could have said.
And I guess I was feeling a little pessimistic when I wrote it...
The photo album, the Barbie Dolls, the letters, the phone calls at 2 a.m., the sleepovers, the laughter, the inside jokes. Disneyland, Sea World, San Diego Zoo, ice cream, soda, crushes. School, lunch, secret clubs- password? girl power; pretty please, hand games, tag, handball. With time, they fade. An old photograph, yellowing with time. With time, my bones will turn to dust, scattered by the wind. Will I miss anyone? With time, they fade. My family, my friends, get blurred with time. Show me a picture of them. Tomorrow, I’ll forget the necklace, that they were wearing earrings. With time, their faces fade, the memories fade. Tell me you showed me a picture of them in a year. I won’t remember that you did. They’ll see me soon, no regrets that I’m leaving too soon, didn’t even get to college yet, but- I’ll see them soon, maybe, maybe. I don’t miss anyone, no, it’s okay, whatever, no biggie.
But- the sun on my back, the cool rain on my face, the breeze, sitting in the shade, the grass, the dew, the flowers- the roses- the sun on my back- the warmth, the happiness, the security.
I won’t get that again.
I’ll miss that.
That’s what matters to me in my life, that’s what I regret, having the things that will be here forever- taken away from me.
No, not family, not friends- they fade, they come and go, they’re never the same, always change.
But nature- the birds, the lizard on the stairway, the sun.

And try to take it away from me,
close my eyes.

But I can still see the sun, feel the warmth, the raindrops on my face, falling, falling,
the cool grass, green, sitting.

When I go the sun will still shine, the breeze will still blow, nothing will change.

So is this goodbye? Will I go to the next world? I didn’t know there was such thing. I will leave- I’ll be gone-that life- my life- will just…float away.

A life with no major regrets- but not carefree, filled with pain and anger and loss, yes- but beauty that shines from the sun, shows itself in weeping willows, whispers in the breeze. That life.

My life.


Tytus said...

The way people view life is closely connected with the way they view death.

What happens "after?"

Once you can answer that question, life holds no more mysteries.