Sunday, December 2, 2007

one and two.

there are two doves that live in our backyard-
sleep in the avocado tree-
bathe in the sun by the tangerines-
they've been here for so long they only move a little when you get too close.
don't even bother about flying away.

they know me, i can recognize them,
boyfriend and girlfriend-
or is it husband and wife?
always together, always one and two, mr. and mrs.,
never seen one without the other.

i went to the backyard this morning and
under the avocado tree was a
small heap of feathers.
and feathers on the tree,
feathers caught in the cobwebs under the wheelbarrow,
feathers in the pail of water.

and bathing in the sun by the
tangerine tree,
was a lonely dove,
one without the other. and
when i went up close, he flew away-
left for good-
and feathers all over the yard
are still reminding me of his soul mate that is no longer in our yard either,
she's taken off in her best friend's heart,
flying along with him,
her shadow following his wherever he will go.


Tytus said...

This is so beautiful.

And to your earlier post, yes, you hardly see that in people. We can learn a lot from the creatures.