Sunday, January 4, 2009


how long can i leave my eyes open
to remember everything.
leave my senses open
remember the smell of louisiana, the mixing of a steamy swamp and clean laundry,
the feel of cotton candy stuck to skin,
french pastries, gumbo, wild rice.

so i bite my lip
and try to keep my eyes open
one more second,
one more memory.

Friday, January 2, 2009

and what a shame that is.

"I was thinking how nothing lasts, and what a shame that is."
You were right, Benjamin Button.

Isn't is funny how we never imagine the end, but spend forever thinking about the beginning?
How I only thought of the plane ride to New Orleans but refused to think any further?
Two more days-- Saturday, then Sunday-- and I'll be taking the plane ride home on Monday.
It was so easy to imagine myself coming here. I was so excited, thinking of all the things I would do. Eat, shop, sleep.
But never the end. 20 days in New Orleans and never did I imagine what the end would be like. It was so far away, 15 days left, 10, a week left-- it was still forever-- but now, 2 days left.
It's a crime.
I've never had Christmas Break pass by so quickly. Am I burned out? Done with school? I'm getting there. I'm already starting to hope my plane will get delayed overnight.
My fingers are crossed.
and what a shame that is.

Thursday, January 1, 2009

Anderson Cooper is one of the better looking journalists out there. and he's quite a journalist. since he joined CNN in 2001, he's won 3 emmy awards for his broadcasting. he accurately gives the news, asks questions, and demands answers. Anderson Cooper, a Yale graduate, son of Gloria Vanderbilt, is one of the most highly acclaimed broadcasters. and i happen to share the opinion that he's one of the better looking broadcasters.
so when i found out, no less than 2 hours ago, that he's gay, i laughed.
my dad knew what i was googling (is anderson cooper gay?) and told me to stop making fun of people when he heard me laughing.
but i wasn't making fun of him. i was laughing because the word "finally" was running through my head.
finally. i have an answer.
when i hear people say-- about anyone-- "Ewww, he's gay? That's so gross." I have someone who I love--because of his merit and passion-- to support my thoughts, "Why's that gross? Why is being gay gross? You know who's gay? Anderson Cooper is gay. And I can't find anything about him that is gross."
Now, don't give me the BS that Cooper is one of the exceptions to all the "gross/immoral/unethical-gays" out there. I'm sure there are gays that are "immoral". And I'm sure there are straights that are even more "immoral".
I can no more say that Anderson Cooper is gross because he's gay than tell my friend she's stupid because she doesn't share my opinion that Americans shoud live on mushroom omelets.
I don't find it wrong that people have their opinions. I have mine about gays, and I understand why people would have a different opinion about them. There's nothing wrong with that.
But when people try to impose their opinions on others--that's what is wrong.
I'm over the passing of Prop 8. It's the side comments from others that get on my nerves.