Wednesday, September 26, 2007

All my <3, Kim

Well, Dr. Poff got it right. I'm one of the ranting bloggers.
I try to write something meaningful... but it always comes out in this weird, twisted way.

I try to talk about politics. But people say it's boring.
Who cares about politics? Elections are next year. Fred Thompson and Bill Richardson could be your neighbors, for all you would know.

So what is meaningful to people? Sabrina writes about life going on...extra credit...Amanda writes about killing crickets and tired tuesdays...and Tooba talks about kids in some baren ghost town in New Mexico. yay.

But I have profound moments too. Big, profound, the lump-in-your-throat-so-it's-hard-to-swallow moments where you get all misty eyed.
But by the time I get home and plunk myself infront of the computer at 9:30 p.m., that feeling's gone and is replaced with frustration and annoyance and countless other things.
And my big moments are left to take their rightful place in my brain: at the bottom, congealing and decaying so that by the next day they're gone.
And then it happens all over again.

But something that's bothering me right now? Go ask my personal psychologist, Sabrina Syed. She gets paid big bucks for having to listen to my rants and complaints and...everything else.

But one thing that's taking hold of my mind? PERFECTIONISTS.
Is there even such thing as a perfectionist?
People aren't perfect. But..they try to be. And why try to be perfect? People like you for who you are...they like you for your interesting personality and you humor and your outlook on life. So why try to be someone that you can never be? It bothers me.
It really, really does.
The people that redo their homework because of an accidental crinkle they made on their paper from an eraser...
Come on.
It annoys people.
It annoys me, anyway.

I learned something really interesting from someone last year.

key word: proud.

so. this is my blog. i'm ranting again. maybe it's not me to be telling people that life goes on. i'll think of something smart to say for tomorrow. hopefully it'll blow someone away. i'll try to remember my profound moments. they're quite moving. really.


Sabrina said...
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Tytus said...

Perfectionists are psycho, and I'm guilty. Sometimes all it takes is a little speck of dust or a stray pen mark to make me tear my hair out.

I'm exaggerating. But really, there is such a thing as Obsessive Compulsive Disorder.

I'm glad that you're willing to accept people the way they are. We need more like-minded persons.

Sabrina said...

Kim! Please don't change your rants! As your "personal psychologist" I advise you to keep ranting, for they are intersenting rants. It feels so special to be mentioned in your blog, i need to mention you too.

As for my blog, no, Life Goes On, had nothing to do with you or changes in life, the post was about, living lives for those who care about you, and only their lives can't go on without you. but that's just ur paranoia... or should i say factanoia =] that caused u to think otherwise

And as for perfectionists i don't understand them either, I strive for perfection but don't let it absorb my entire life.

I think I wrote too much... i should go now.

Wow, that was a rather long comment.

- Sabrina