Saturday, February 16, 2008

girls are mean

okay, i'm a girl too. and girls are mean.
they backstab.
they lie.
they have their own little group of "friends"
and they turn their backs on everyone else.
they whisper.
they gossip.
they communicate with their eyes and share a secret laugh about their "other best friend"- "she's soo weird. she creeps me out. God she's sooo annoying."

yes, girls care,
girls love,
girls have more feelings than guys- or do guys just keep it to themselves?
girls can cause more pain.
they punch with words,
the stab with secrets,
they kill by rolling their eyes and walking away.

we're a tough, tough species.
the lioness in the jungle,
the shark in the ocean.


Zack said...

Guys are just as emotional as girls. Girls are just more flamboyant about it while guys hide it away behind smiles and nods.

We do just keep it to ourselves.

Anonymous said...

There is no fury, like a woman scorned.